What is Long Time No See and how did it come to be?
Long Time No See is a photo series documenting Grandma’s first year in Germany. Grandma, fondly known by me as Granny and others as Margarita, lived alone in Saint Petersburg from the ‘90s: In 1997, my mom and I left Russia for Germany. Although Granny was an essential part of our small family, German immigration law didn’t allow her to come with us. The day before we left, she suffered a heart attack and we couldn’t even say goodbye. From that moment on, I was determined to reunite us. Now, in 2024, after decades of effort, my husband and I finally made it —Granny lives just 5 minutes away.
Although we are finally together, time has taken its toll: Grandma’s dementia has worsened and whilst our bond remains strong, our dynamic has changed. I often feel like I’m talking to a child as she only lives in the here and now. It’s bittersweet: I can finally spend as much time with her as I want, and yet she forgets our moments the next day.
My series reflects the double loss I feel—first the separation from Granny, and then the pain of watching her memory fade, even as she lives close by.

How has working on dementia-related art changed you?
Portraying Granny during the last year has deepened my understanding of aging. That I’m closer to Granny than ever before and yet each day pieces of her slip away is a paradox I’m still processing.
Working on Long Time No See has made me realize that while memory and identity are fragile, dementia does not have to be scary. If the surroundings are perceived as safe and the personal situation allows it, the moments spent together can be filled with love, humor and tenderness.
My work has always explored identity and loss, but now it’s more intimate and personal. I’m documenting Granny’s life in fragments, capturing moments that feel both timeless and urgent.
How has Long Time No See been received?

My Granny loves the images where she is laughing and she is always curious to ask where exactly and when I did capture her being that happy. For me, this perfectly emobdies what photography is all about: Creating a dialogue—not just with the viewers but with the protagonists of the story.
Find more from Polina Schneider on Instagram.